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22. ledna 2018

Personal Development and Self-Discovery Group for Charles University Students

We offer an opportunity for both Czech and international students to participate in an open group that will meet once a week during the spring and fall semester.

We will aim to create an open-minded, supportive and caring environment that will help us to better develop our potential and aid the process of self-discovery.

The agenda for each group session will be set by the group members. We might focus on areas such as our relationships with others and ourselves, goals and motivation, developing plans for our future lives, troubles with adapting to new situations and many other areas of interest.

The group will meet once a week on Fridays from 11 AM to 12:30 PM during the spring and fall semester at the counseling office at Školská 13a, Prague 1.

To become a member of the group, each participant needs to be interviewed by the group facilitator, who will evaluate students’ motivation and suitability for the project. We aim to have between 10 and 12 participants.

For more information, please contact us at:

Mgr. Milan Polák

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