
10. ledna 2020

Call for Scholarship Application for 2020 Japanese Government

Vážení studenti,

rádi bychom s Vámi sdíleli nabídku stipendijního programu MEXT japonské Kanazawa University, která je určena studentům navazujícího magisterského a doktorského studia. Partnerská univerzita vybere na základě zaslaných přihlášek jednoho studenta, který stipendium získá. Více informací naleznete v příloze – deadline pro podání přihlášky je dle vybraného oboru 15. - 31. ledna. Podmínkou je předchozí domluva s konkrétním vyučujícím na Kanazawa University.

Za Referát pro zahr. a vnější vztahy

M. Bendová

Dear Exchange colleagues,

I would like to express our gratitude for your cooperation concerning the student exchange with our university.

I would like to send you the documents concering ‘‘2020 JAPANESE GOVERNMENT (MONBUKAGAKUSHO) SCHOLARSHIP FOR RESEARCH STUDENT’’.

This scholarship program is not for the exchange program but mainly for people who seeks a Master’s or Doctoral degree at Kanazawa University. For details, please kindly check the attached file, ‘‘MEXT Scholarship 2020’’.

We would appreciate it if you could transmit this information to anyone who may be interested.

Applications must reach the prospective graduate school of Kanazawa University by mid or late JANUARY, 2020 (Deadline for application is different in each graduate school. So please ask the student affairs section in each graduate school. Regarding their contact information, please refer to the attached file “Mailing Address”).

Before submitting the application, the applicant must find a supervisor here in Kanazawa University.

Following page will help you to find a supervisor in Kanazawa University;


The graduate school will inform the applicant and your institution of the result of the scholarship selection in the middle of June (not fixed).

Please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Emi Miyanishi at the International Student Exchange Division (E-mail: ryukou@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp) for further questions or concerns regarding the application.

Thank you very much for your time and energy for our mutual relationship.

Sincerely yours,

TABATA Takashi (Mr.)

Head, International Student Exchange Division


International Student Section,

International Student Exchange Division,

International Relations Department,

Kanazawa University

Kakuma, Kanazawa, Ishikawa

920-1192 Japan



E-mail: ryukou@adm.kanazawa-u.ac.jp


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