Nabídky pracovních míst z

Klíčový pracovník / klíčová pracovnice (projekt LERCO)

Lékařská fakulta OU (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

Pracovní pozice vznikla za finanční podpory Evropské unie v rámci projektu LERCO s reg. číslem CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000003, prostřednictvím Operačního programu spravedlivá transformace Děkan Lékařské fakulty Ostravské univerzity vypisuje výběrové řízení k obsazení místa: Klíčový pracovník /
Vojenský zdravotní ústav je odborným zařízením ve struktuře Agentury vojenského zdravotnictví Armády České republiky. Jedná se o specializované zařízení s celoarmádní působností, které plní úkoly ozbrojených sil spojené s hygienickým zabezpečením, biologickou ochranou a v neposlední řadě též v oblasti výzkumu a...

Odborný asistent/technický pracovník (M/Ž)

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. Laboratoř Strukturní biologie signálních proteinů hledá posilu do týmu na pozici: Odborný asistent/technický pracovník (M/Ž) Náplň práce: ·         Běžné biochemické metody ·         Příprava médií a z

Postdoctoral position in the Laboratory of Biological Rhythms

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Postdoctoral position in the Laboratory of Biological Rhythms Czech Academy of Sciences Biomedical Research Campus in Prague, Krč Project title: Development of circadian system in mammals Supervisor: Prof. PharmDr. Alena Sumova, DSc. Laboratory of Biological Rhythms

Postdoctoral position in the Laboratory of Molecular Physiology of Bone

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

IPHYS Laboratory of Molecular Physiology of Bone Czech Academy of Sciences Biomedical Research Campus in Prague, Krč IPHYS is a leading research institute in the field of normal and pathological physiology. It consists of a number of scientific and service departments and shared equipment for the research (

Hledáme talentovaného Technologa výroby!

MB PHARMA s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

FAGOFARMA je mladá a dynamická společnost působící v rychle se rozvíjejícím oboru biotechnologie a biofarmacie. Chceš se podílet na moderní biotechnologické výrobě? Zajímá Tě farmacie, problematika antibiotické rezistence a mikrobiologie? Pokud máš zájem o práci v prestižní firmě, která klade důraz na růst a inovace,...

PhD position in Plant Molecular Biology

Biologické centrum AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Workplace: Institute of Plant Molecular Biology Employment relationship: Employment contract Job type: Researcher Researcher profile: R1 Job status: Full-time equivalent, 4 years Job starting date: August or September 2025 Application

Computational Biologist, single-cell curation

Nebion an Immunai company (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

About Immunai: Immunai is an engineering-first platform company aiming to improve therapeutic decision-making throughout the drug discovery and development process. We are mapping the immune system at unprecedented scale and granularity and applying machine learning to this massive clinico-immune database, in order to generate no

PhD pozice v oblasti aplikované chemie a chemického inženýrství

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Nabídka PhD pozice v oblasti aplikované chemie a chemického inženýrství na Ústavu chemického inženýrství, VŠCHT Praha. Nově založená výzkumná skupina na Ústavu chemického inženýrství, Vysoké škole chemicko-technologické v Praze (VŠCHT), hledá motivovaného kandidáta na plně hrazenou doktorskou pozici. Naše...

Doctoral candidate – Plant science

Labdeers s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Project: Advanced seed phenotyping and precise seeding for genetics and plant breeding MSCA application: Harnessing the DNA Damage Response to improve plant tolerance to heat stress Type: MSCA / HORIZON - fully covered costs:

Scientific backend developer in data management

Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences announces an open position: Scientific backend developer in data management We are looking for an enthusiast to join our team focused on management of biophysical data within the European project MOSBRI and the National Repository Platform. We offer work conne

PhD position: T-cell kinases in immunity and self-tolerance

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Ondřej Štěpánek Project description The project will investigate the role of SRC-family kinases LCK and FYN in the T-cell antigen receptor signaling, which is crucial for proper T-cell development and immune response. It is known for decades that LCK, and to lesser extent FYN, catalyze the first biochemical step in TCR...

PhD position: piRNa and genome defense in gastropods

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Petr Svoboda Project description The aim of this project is to characterize the piRNA pathway and its biological role in a molluscan laboratory model, the snail of the genus Deroceras. Both, cross-fertilization and self-fertilization occur in the snail species Deroceras laeve. The type of fertilization is determined by the penis...

PhD position: Evolutionary adaptations of Dicer enzymes

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Petr Svoboda Project description Small RNAs serve as sequence-specific guides in numerous RNA silencing pathways. Evolution of these pathways took different trajectories during animal evolution. For example, mammals extensively utilize the microRNA pathway in almost all cells to regulate genes and the piRNA pathway in the...

PhD position: Advancing breast morphogenesis modeling through novel human mammary organoids

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Zuzana Sumbalová Koledová Project description This project focuses on the development of innovative human mammary organoids as an advanced in vitro model to investigate breast morphogenesis, a fundamental process in mammary gland development and a critical factor in breast cancer progression. The aims are to optimize protocols...
Supervisor: Zuzana Sumbalová Koledová Project description Lactation is a critical physiological process requiring precise coordination of cellular functions, including DNA replication, transcription, and the DNA damage response, to support milk production. This PhD project aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes...

PhD position: New mechanisms regulating function of the tumor suppressor p53 in human cells

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Libor Macůrek Project description Genome instability is one of the main features of cancer cells. DNA repair and the cell cycle arrest are protective mechanisms that prevent development of the genome instability. The tumor suppressor p53 plays a central role in regulating these events, and its loss leads to tumor development....

PhD position: Cilia function in cell signaling and differentiation

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Martina Huranová Project description Primary cilia are thin structures present in most mammalian cells, involved in regulation of multiple developmental signaling pathways. Monitoring signaling pathways and their responses in vivo presents challenges due to the complexity of pathways and the need for highly sensitive and...
Supervisor: Hana Hanzlíková Project description ADP-ribosylation is a vital post-translational modification involved in DNA repair, chromatin remodelling, transcription regulation, and cell death. Despite advancements in understanding Poly-ADP-Ribose Polymerases (PARPs), particularly PARP1 and PARP2, their specific roles in these...
Supervisor: Meritxell Alberich Jordà Project description Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) are a rare population of cells in the bone marrow responsible for the production of mature blood cells through life of an individual. Preserving the HSPCs and their function is critical for hematopoiesis, since alterations in this...

PhD position: Inhibitory plasma membrane receptor LAIR-1 in mast cell physiology and mastocytosis

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Petr Dráber Project description Mast cells are immune cells with multifaceted functions in homeostasis and diseases. They have traditionally been associated with type I allergies, such as rhinitis, asthma, and urticaria, causing a global health burden of approximately 20% of the human population worldwide. They play essential...

PhD position: Proteasome control of apoptosis regulation in cancer

Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Supervisor: Lukáš Čermák Project description This project aims to investigate the pivotal role of the proteasome in the regulation of apoptosis within cancer cells. The proteasome, a cellular complex responsible for protein degradation, is known to play a crucial role in maintaining cellular homeostasis. However, its specific involvement...

Projektový manažer / Projektová manažerka pro Centrum Excelence CREATIC

Lékařská fakulta MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Masarykova univerzita je se svými deseti fakultami největší univerzitou na Moravě a třetím největším zaměstnavatelem v Jihomoravském kraji. V rámci MU je Lékařská fakulta prestižním vzdělávacím a výzkumným pracovištěm, které spolupracuje s významnými externími partnery nejen v brněnském výzkumném prostoru.

Monitor/Monitorka klinických studií pro Centrum excelence CREATIC

Lékařská fakulta MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Masarykova univerzita je se svými deseti fakultami největší univerzitou na Moravě a třetím největším zaměstnavatelem v Jihomoravském kraji. V rámci MU je Lékařská fakulta prestižním vzdělávacím a výzkumným pracovištěm, které spolupracuje s významnými externími partnery nejen v brněnském výzkumném prostoru.

Project Researcher II for the Department of Forest Ecology

Lesnická a dřevařská fakulta MENDELU (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

Non-academic Staff Member - Project Researcher II for the Department of Forest Ecology Research field: research in forest ecosystems We are a modern university, teaching and researching agriculture, forestry, economic and technical disciplines in regional and international contexts. Since 2018, we hav

Odborný pracovník výzkumu/vědecký pracovník specializace na reprodukci hospodářských zvířat (m/ž)

Výzkumný ústav veterinárního lékařství, v.v.i. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Chtěli byste proniknout do zázemí výzkumného ústavu a podílet se na zajímavém výzkumném projektu? Jste pozitivní, komunikativní a rádi se učíte novým věcem a dokážete aktivně přistupovat a řešit nové situace? Chcete získat nové zkušenosti v zajímavém prostředí? Pak se nám neváhejte ozvat! Co u n

Postdoctoral Researcher in structural virology

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate structural virologists at CEITEC looking for   Postdoctoral Researcher in structural virology   About this position: Do you have a passion for understanding the details of virus replication cycles? Join our team! Our research projects focus on determining...

PhD student positions

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

INSTITUTE OF PHYSIOLOGY of the Czech Academy of Sciences Prague, Czech Republic ( Funded PhD student positions are available at the Institute of Physiology CAS, Prague, Czech Republic in: NEUROSCIENCE

Technik / laborant v laboratoři mezibuněčné komunikace (M/Ž)

Přírodovědecká fakulta UK (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

Laboratoř mezibuněčné komunikace (Univerzita Karlova, Přírodověděcká fakulta, Katedra Buněčné biologie) hledá uchazeče / uchazečku pro pozici technik / laborant. Náplň práce: Metody molekulární biologie – genotypizace, tkáňové

Lektor/lektorka se zaměřením na první pomoc a urgentní medicínu

Lékařská fakulta OU (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

Děkan Lékařské fakulty Ostravské univerzity vypisuje výběrové řízení na obsazení pracovního místa Lektor/lektorka se zaměřením na první pomoc a urgentní medicínu Předpokládaný nástup: Březen 2025 nebo dle dohody Předpokládaný

Postdoctoral position in molecular biology, chemical biology and cell therapy

Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

The group of Milan Vrabel at IOCB in Prague is looking for a postdoctoral candidate with a strong background in molecular biology and interest in chemical biology to join the project New Technologies for Translational Resear
Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are  plant cellular biologists at CEITEC looking for   PhD Candidate on Regulation of translation during plant stress response   About this position: Are you motivated and strongly interested in cellular biology and advanced microscopy techniques? Let´

Assistant Professor for Department of Experimental Biology

Přírodovědecká fakulta MU (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

Workplace: Department of Experimental Biology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic Type of Contract: temporary position with 2-year contract (with possible extension), academic Working Hours: 0,15 FTE (part-time employment of 6 hours per week) Expected St

Postdoc in Cancer Biology

Biofyzikální ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Open postdoctoral position at the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno, Czech Republic The research group, headed by Dr. Karel Souček at the Institute of Biophysics of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Brno, Czech Republic, conducts basic and translational research in the field of cancer biology and i

Two PhD positions in Cancer Research

Biofyzikální ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

What we offer: A 4-year Ph.D. position in cancer research is available under the Animal Physiology, Immunology, and Developmental Biology program at the Faculty of Science, MUNI, in Brno, Czech Republic. The studentship is funded and includes a part-time grant position. Excellent administrative and technical support is provided.

PhD Position in Medicinal Chemistry/Toxicology

Přírodovědecká fakulta UHK (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Topic: Design, Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of Inhibitors of Mitochondrial Enzyme Cyclophilin D Annotation: Cyclophilin D (CypD) is a mitochondrial enzyme that regulates opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). Excessive mPTP opening is manifested in several diseases


CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate structural biologists at CEITEC looking for POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY OF WNT SIGNALING About this position:  We're excited to announce an open post-doctoral position in Konstantinos Tripsianes's Research Group! Applications are i


CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate structural biologists at CEITEC looking for PHD CANDIDATE/STUDENT IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY OF WNT SIGNALING About this position: We're excited to announce an open Ph.D. position in Konstantinos Tripsianes's Research Group! Applications are invite

Vedoucí KBI

UJEP (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Děkan Přírodovědecké fakulty Univerzity J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem vypisuje výběrové řízení na obsazení míst vedoucí/ho Katedry biologie. Popis práce/pracovní náplň: ● řízení a koordinace činnosti příslušné součásti fakulty ● pedagogická, vědecko-výzkumná a publikační činnost ●

Protein Production Expert

Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

The Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, located within the Biotechnology and Biomedicine Center of the Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec (BIOCEV), is seeking for its Centre of Molecular Structure (CMS): Protein Production Expert We are seeking an expert in recombinant protein produc

Expert produkce proteinů

Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Biotechnologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i. v Biotechnologickém a biomedicínském centru Akademie věd a Univerzity Karlovy ve Vestci (Centrum BIOCEV) hledá zaměstnance pro své servisní pracoviště – Centrum molekulární struktury na pozici: Expert produkce proteinů Hledáme odborníka na rekombinantní produkci prot

Projektový/á manažer/ka

Biologické centrum AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Pracoviště: Technicko-hospodářská správa Oddělení: Projektový úsek Pracovněprávní vztah: Pracovní smlouva Typ pracovní pozice: Administrativní Doba trvání: Doba určitá Pracovní úvazek: Plný POPIS PRACOVNÍ POZICE:
MB Pharma je mladá a dynamická společnost působící v rychle se rozvíjejícím oboru biotechnologie a biofarmacie. Chcete se podílet na zajištění souladu našich inovativních produktů a služeb s legislativními a regulatorními požadavky? Pokud máte zájem o práci v prestižní firmě, která klade důraz na růst a inovace, pak...

Projektový/á administrátor/ka výzkumného odboru Ekologie krajiny

Výzkumný ústav pro krajinu, v. v. i. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Projektový/á administrátor/ka výzkumného odboru, (projektové, administrativní a finanční zajištění agendy) 1,0 úvazek  Odbor ekologie krajiny (OEK) brněnského pracoviště Výzkumného ústavu pro krajinu, v. v. i. přijme kolegu/kolegyni na pozici administrátora odboru, projektového a fina

Research Scientist: Monoclonal Antibody Development

DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Are you passionate about advancing antibody development and cutting-edge biotechnology? As a Research Scientist in our Antibodies team you can play a key role in custom development of recombinant monoclonal antibodies and development of novel antibody-related technologies.   What will be your res

Junior Researcher: Organic Chemistry

DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Do you have an interest in understanding complex molecular interactions? Are you an experienced organic chemist with a passion for chemical biology? Join our Organic Chemistry team as a Junior Researcher and play a key role in designing and preparing small molecule precursors for various departments.

Senior Researcher: Molecular Biology Methods Development

DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Are you a skilled and passionate scientist with enthusiasm for developing and implementing new molecular biology methods? Then you can help us in discovering new inventions to improve state of the art molecular diagnostics. We are strengthening our research team and we are thus looking for a Senior Researcher in Molecular Biology Methods De

Senior Developer: PCR product development for in vitro diagnostics

DIANA Biotechnologies, s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Would you like to see the results of your work as top-end molecular diagnostic products in healthcare? Do you want to drive the development of such products? Then you can now join our team of PCR diagnostic developers with a strong track record in developing such products as a Senior Developer. What will be your responsi

Postdoctoral position in the Laboratory of Cholinergic Signaling

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

The Laboratory of Cholinergic Signaling at the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), is seeking suitable candidates for the: POSTDOCTORAL POSITION In the newly started project, the successful candidate will use a neuronal-type-specific expression of an engineered b

Postdoc in Structural Evolutionary Biology

Biologické centrum AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Laboratory: Laboratory of Functional Biology of Protists, P.I. Ondrej Gahura Workplace: Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences Employment relationship: Employment contract Job type: Researcher Researcher profile: R2

Postodoctoral Researcher in Bioinformatics

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are  plant molecular biologists at CEITEC looking for Postodoctoral Researcher in Bioinformatics   About this position:  We are looking for a highly qualified bioinformatician or computational biologist with in-depth knowledge of comparative plant geno

PhD Candidate on CRISPR-based genome editing in plants

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are  plant molecular biologists at CEITEC looking for                                                       PhD Candidate on CRISPR-based genome editing in plants About this position: The CRISPR/Cas system is one of the most promising me

Ph.D. STUDENT - Targeting nAChRs with Nitroreductase (Ligand-targeting research)

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

The new Laboratory of Cholinergic Signaling at the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), is seeking suitable candidates for the position of: Ph.D. STUDENT Several part-time positions are available before the start of the academic year. Thus, motivated applicants can get ha

Ph.D. STUDENT - nAChR in Prefrontal Neurons – ASD (ASD research)

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

The new Laboratory of Cholinergic Signaling at the Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS), is seeking suitable candidates for the position of: Ph.D. STUDENT Several part-time positions are available before the start of the academic year. Thus, motivated applicants can get ha

Postdoctoral position in the Laboratory of Adipose Tissue Biology

Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Laboratory of Adipose Tissue Biology, Institute of Physiology (IPHYS) of the Czech Academy of Sciences Is looking for a new postdoc We are a dynamic international team working at interface between clinical and preclinical metabolic research. The new colleague will be primarily responsible for leading a collab

PhD Positions in Structural Biology

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) in Brno, Czech Republic offers several PhD positions in the field of structural biology. Researchers of the programme focus on protein structure and dynamics, structural virology, interactions protein-protein, protein-membrane and protein-DNA, translation control, structure of biosystems and...

PhD Positions in Bioinformatics

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) in Brno, Czech Republic offers two PhD positions in the field of bioinformatics. 1. Utilizing Foundational Encoding Models for Multiomics Data Integration and Knowledge Base Modeling Towards Clinical Applications Supervisor: Mgr. Vojtěch Bystrý, Ph.D.
Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate molecular biologists at CEITEC looking for Postdoctoral Researcher in Role Of Transcription Factors In Onset And Progression Of B-Cell Malignancies About this posi
Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate molecular biologists at CEITEC looking for Postdoctoral Researcher in Lymphoid Microenvironment Models And Their Use To Study Targeted Therapy And Resistance In B Cell Malignancies
Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate molecular biologists at CEITEC looking for Postdoctoral Researcher in Long Non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in Microenvironmental Interactio


Fyziologický ústav AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Laboratory of Metabolism of Bioactive Lipids is looking for a new team member: Bioinformatician (m/f) postdoc Are you driven by the desire to decode the intricacies of life using cutting-edge bioinformatics technologies? If you are passionate about Python, Docker, nginx, and proficient in natural sciences, we

Simulace biologických systémů – juniorní akademický pracovník

Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Na juniorní pozici hledáme česky či slovensky mluvícího kolegu či kolegyni, který/která bude rozvíjet vlastní výzkumnou tematiku a skupinu. Ústav informatiky a chemie ( na VŠCHT Praha zajišťuje bakalářský, magisterský a doktorský studijní program zaměřený na po

PhD Positions in Molecular Medicine

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) in Brno, Czech Republic offers several PhD positions in the field of molecular medicine. Researchers of the programme focus on various types of leukaemia and several solid tumours, they investigate immune cell microenvironment, transcription regulation, B and T cell receptor repe

Administrátor/administrátorka produktové dokumentace pro IVDR

Generi Biotech s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Generi Biotech s.r.o. je českou, biotechnologickou společností se sídlem v Hradci Králové. Abychom zajistili všechny legislativní požadavky v oblasti zdravotnických prostředků IVDR, hledáme kolegu nebo kolegyni pro následující oblasti: Správa dokumentace pro zdravotnické prostřed

Specialista/specialistka pro oddělení testování

Generi Biotech s.r.o. (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Jsme česká biotechnologická společnost, zaměřujeme se na výzkum, vývoj, výrobu a prodej vlastních produktů, jako jsou real-time PCR CE IVD kity, Life Sciences produkty a oligonukleotidy. Jsme certifikovanou společností pro výrobu zdravotnických prostředků v rámci normy EN ISO: 9001, ISO 13485 a GMP, GLP.
Come to CEITEC MU in Brno and join us! We are passionate molecular biologists at CEITEC looking for LABORATORY TECHNICIAN / LAB MANAGER in the Konstantinos Tripsianes Research Group About this position:  The group of Kostas Tripsianes, Ph.D., is studying biological processes using bio

PhD student position in the Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Biologické centrum AV ČR (Plný úvazek)

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Workplace: Institute of Hydrobiology Department: Department of Aquatic Microbial Ecology (AME) Employment relationship: Employment contract Job type: Researcher Researcher profile: R1 Duration: Fixed-term Job status: Full-tim
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Research area: Translation Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Tesina, Ph.D. Annotation Ribosome-associated quality control (RQC) is crucial for degrading truncated nascent proteins produced on aberrant m
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Richard Štefl Annotation This PhD theme focuses on unraveling the intricate process of Argonaute protein loading by small RNAs, acritical step in gene regulation within RNA-silencing pathways, which

PhD study/position: Design of fusogenic peptides

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

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Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Robert Vácha, Ph.D. Annotation Membrane fusion is an essential biological process that plays a crucial role in neurotransmission, intracellular trafficking, and immune responses. Despite

PhD study/position: Designing modified DNA fragments

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

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Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Research area: Structural Biology Supervisor: Radek Marek Annotation Novel forms of nucleotides will be incorporated in silico in oligomers with sequences relevant for biosystems. The bioco
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Mgr. Vojtěch Bystrý, Ph.D. Annotation This Ph.D. project is part of a national initiative to build a cutting-edge platform for storing and analyzing omics data, spanning genomic, epigenomic, transc
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Konstantinos Tripsianes, Ph.D. Annotation Dishevelled (DVL) is the central hub of Wnt signal transduction that integrates and transduces upstream signals through distinct cytoplasmic cascades. Lookin
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Robert Vácha, Ph.D. Annotation Eukaryotic and prokaryotic plasma membranes exhibit inherent asymmetry, with distinct lipid compositions between the two leaflets. However, most studies to
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Research area: structural biology, conformations of proteins, protein-protein interactions, brain disorders Supervisor: doc. RNDr. Mgr. Jozef Hritz, Ph.D. Annotation The main neuropathologica

PhD study/position: Endosome escape of non-enveloped viruses

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Pavel Plevka Annotation To initiate infection, viruses deliver their genomes into host cells. Whereas enveloped viruses fuse their membrane with that of a cell, the cell entry mechanisms employed by
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Pavel Plevka Annotation Endosome rupture is a critical yet underexplored aspect of cellular biology, with significant implications for understanding immune responses, infection mechanisms, and drug d
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Dalibor Blažek Annotation CDK11 is ubiquitously expressed in all tissues and the CDK11 null mouse is lethal at an early stage of development indicating an important role for Cdk11 in the adult as we
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Dalibor Blažek Annotation Cdk12 is transcriptional cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) found mutated in various cancers. In previous studies we found that Cdk12 maintains genome stability via optimal tran
Doctoral study program: Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University) Study plan: Molecular Medicine Form of study: doctoral full time Department: CEITEC MU and Dept of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology Supervisor: Prof. Marek M
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Prof. Marek Mraz, MSc., M.D., Ph.D. Consultant: Miroslav Boudny, Ph.D. Annotation Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells and indolent lymphomas are known to be dependent on dive
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Prof. Štěpánka Vaňáčová, Ph.D. Annotation Posttranscriptional RNA modifications possess key roles in diverse pathways in humans, including development, disease and infections. This PhD project

PhD study/position: Nucleic acids sensing

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Lukas Trantirek, Ph.D. Annotation Dynamic transitions between B-DNA and non-canonical DNA conformations, such as G-quadruplexes, i-motifs, and Z-DNA, contribute to the regulatory control
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Robert Vácha, Ph.D. Annotation Cells form dynamic clusters of liquid protein droplets that act as nanoreactors or storage sites, increasing the local concentration of specific protein co
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Prof. Marek Mraz, MSc., M.D., Ph.D. Consultant: Vaclav Seda, Ph.D. Annotation The project goal is to understand the molecular machinery that regulates the migration of malignant B
Doctoral study program: Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University) Study plan: Molecular Medicine Form of study: doctoral full time Department: CEITEC MU and Dept of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology Supervisor: Mgr. Miroslav

PhD study/position: Ribosome assembly mechanisms

CEITEC MU (Plný úvazek)

Plný úvazek

Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Gabriel Demo, PhD. Annotation Ribosome assembly is a complex, multi-stage process essential for cellular function. It involves the coordinated folding, modification, and binding of ribosomal RNAs (rR
Doctoral study program: Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University) Study plan: Molecular Medicine Form of study: doctoral full time Department: CEITEC MU and Dept of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology Supervisor: Prof. Marek M
Doctoral study program: Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University) Study plan: Molecular Medicine Form of study: doctoral full time Department: CEITEC MU and Dept of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology Supervisor: RNDr. Josef V
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Supervisor: Pavel Plevka Annotation Despite decades of study, important aspects of phage replication cycles, such as the mechanism of genome delivery, initiation of head assembly, and genome packaging, are poorl
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Research area: Structural Biology Supervisor: Radek Marek Annotation The project is focused on detailed structural characterization of short purine oligonucleotides clipped by proper sequenti
Doctoral study program: Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University) Study plan: Molecular Medicine Form of study: doctoral full time /combined Department: CEITEC MU and Dept of Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology Supervisor: Mgr
Doctoral study program: Life Sciences (Faculty of Science, Masaryk University) Research area: Translation Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Tesina, Ph.D. Annotation Proteins are produced by ribosome-catalyzed translation of mRNAs in all domains of life. Translation is also critica
Doctoral study program: Biomedical Sciences (Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University) Study plan: Molecular Medicine Form of study: doctoral full time /combined Department: CEITEC CF Bioinformatics Supervisor: Mgr. Vojtěch Bystrý, Ph.D. Ann

Nabídka Ph.D. pozice na katedře Experimentální biologie

Přírodovědecká fakulta UP (Částečný úvazek)

Částečný úvazek

OBECNÉ INFORMACE Nabízíme doktorské studium garantované pracovištěm Laboratoř růstových regulátorů, PřF UP v Olomouci & ÚEB AV ČR. Doktorandi získají rozšířené a hluboké teoretické znalosti a praktické dovednosti ve všech oborech Experimentální biologie. Budou se zabývat zejména studiem struktury m

Poslední změna: 21. únor 2018 15:36 
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