Admissions Process


All applications for Postgraduate Doctorate study programmes for the academic year 2023/2024 must be submitted in an online form not earlier than 1.1.2024 but before the deadline of 30. 4. 2024, the last day inclusive.

Application submission procedure

  1. File an application online

  2. Validate your filled-out application form

    Arrange the recognition of foreign diplomas and degrees

  3. Wait for an invitation for the in-person part of the admissions process.

With every dutifully filled-out application form the applicant shall hand in:

  • An Annexe to the Aplication form

  • Confirmation of payment of the abovementioned fee of 780,- Kč, effectuated preferably by bank transfer to faculty’s bank account, number 115-6882900277/0100 or on-line directly from the Application form

  • Structured professional curriculum vitae

  • Proof of a successful termination of any university studies at the level of a master’s degree programme

  • An abstract of a research project (annotation) approved and signed by future expert supervisor

  • Other documents worth to be taken into consideration (e. g. summary of publication background of the applicant, certificate of passing the state English exam, evidence of professional scientific traineeship undergone at home or abroad etc.)

  • 3. FM CU requires for certain documents to be attached to the official application form - the speculated grant of the supervisor describing the cost coverage and the written approvals of both the head of the supervisor’s place of work and the main coordinator of the research center in question.

!!All the essential information about the possible fields of study, the application form as such and the annexe to the application is to be obtained at the Dean’s office of the 3. FM CU, The Department of Administration of Science and Research!!

Requirements for a successful submission of an application

  • The only possible way to apply to the programme is via the electronic application.

  • The application form becomes valid after being filled out, completed and concluded with the handling fee duly paid - all of this must be settled before the due date of 30. 4. 2023.

  • Provided that the application form doesn’t get completed and adequately concluded before 30. 4. 2023, it won’t be considered as submitted at all.

  • Should the regulation fee for operations associated with the application procedure not be paid in time by 30. 4. 2023 and not even in additionally established appropriate time period, the application form won’t be considered as submitted at all.

  • In case you are an active student of the CU - use your already existing assigned student login or, as an equivalent, your personal student identification number, which is to be found on your student ID card under your photograph to enter the application. If you encounter any difficulties concerning your password, visit CAS, where you can obtain a new password or eventually get to know more about the Central Authentication System (CAS) as a whole.

  • If you happen to be a new aspirant to studies at the CU, you had neither previously studied at any faculty, nor had filed any application for studies (even if unsuccessful), you’re going to be asked to get registered before you can continue with the application process. For the registration it is necessary to fill out your registry email, on which you’re subsequently going to receive a message containing an activation link, which will take you to a website, where you’ll be asked to come up with a secret password. This particular registration email and your personal password are to be used during the whole application process for only under these personal details you’ll be able to gain access to all your current applications. However these registration details do not serve to gain access to other modules of the Student Information System (SIS).

  • If you’ve already filled out your application form and you try to enter the system again with your particular registration email and password, you’ll be able to see your name in the right hand corner and after clicking on ‘My Applications’ you’ll access an overview of all that you’ve submitted so far. Unless you use the right registration email, you won’t see your name but only ‘new applicant’ in the right corner of the screen and the button ‘My applications’ won’t be available at all.

Any other and all inquiries are accessible through this link.

The official website of the 3. FM CU offers detailed information about every individual supervisor and their corresponding themes of research.

The in-person admissions interviews

The definite dates of the admissions interviews for the Postgraduate Doctorate Studies in the academic year 2023/2024 (for applications submitted before 30. 4. 2023 only).

Last change: April 22, 2024 15:34 

Third Faculty of Medicine

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