• Students
  • Student Account of Payment - program eFEES

Student Account of Payment - program eFEES

Access for Individual Accounts of Students 3. FM CU - Evidence of Payments for Fees - Study Program General Medicine (eFEES) http://poplatky.lf3.cuni.cz

About program eFEES

The 3rd FM CU Computer Service Center has created records of fees for students in the English program as ordered by the 3rd FM CU Study Division. The program uses information on students from the study information system – student names, their current study situation in the given academic year. Information on received payments is imported in batches from the 3rd FM CU economic system according to statements from the Czech commercial bank. A valid contract for the Academic year and proper parameters for the specific contract (method of payment-lump sum amount, payment in two instalments, the exact amount, term of payment) are assigned to each student.

According to all the above-stated amounts of the given parameters, an algorithm is created for comparison and for the calculation of the virtual current student’s financial account, which deals with the payment of “school” fees.

The program automatically calculates the amount owed and event. the amount of penalty fees arising from no payment or delayed payment, calculates over-payments and allows you to send out informative e-mails directly to the students.

Fee records are the task of the 3rd FM CU Study Division.

Access settings to the program

  • Only authorized employees from the Study Division, heads of the Study Division and system administrators (employees from the Computer Service Center and head of the CSI) have Editing access to the program

  • Browsing student payments mode is set for the economic department, faculty Secretary and for employees in the internal audit of the 3FM CU.

  • Browsing your own account mode is set for each student in the Master’s study program AVSEOB

Program access

The program is accessible directly from the web address http://poplatky.lf3.cuni.cz

Registration into the program

For registration you must have a valid CU student ID cards or in case of the 3rd FM employees valid 3rd FM CU employee’s pass and valid password into CAS. Registration into CAS authentication (same registration method into SIS or other faculty or university systems).

  • (NetID): personal number under the photograph at Student ID Cards of Charles University

  • (Password): set password in the CAS system

The student ID cards at Charles University or ID cards employees Charles University can be given only by the Issue Center of ID Cards.


  1. The password into the CAS system can be set, prolonged or changed by each person using the web address: https://ldap.cuni.cz

  2. or indirectly by the faculty CAS administrator, in the case of the 3rd FM CU contact the Computer Service Center

After logging in each student of the AVSEOB study program will be able to print out the current status of his “account” – all received payments, current debts/over-payments and eventually the penalty process. In addition, the student may view e-mail copies sent to the study division via the eFEES program to its e-mail inbox.

Last change: October 9, 2020 13:08 

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