• News


12 February 2021

Organizing of classes in Summer Semester

Dear Students,

we have hoped to welcome all of you in person by Summer Semester. Unfortunately the Czech epidemiologic situation does not allow for it yet. The dean has signed a new decree regulating classes during the Summer Semester. Based on this decree:

  1. Classes in years 4-6 will be held in the same way as during the Winter Semester. In case of isolation/quarantaine, please inform the head of each subject or your group teacher to arrange for replacement.

  2. Classes in years 1-3 will be held in the same way as they were in December/January – that means on-site classes for all practicals, autopsies, bedside teaching and practical seminars and online teaching for lectures and theoretical seminars. Your teachers will inform you which seminars will be considered practical (if any). Students who will not be able due to travel resctictions or health condition to travel to Prague will be taught online with the possibility to replace those classes that cannot be taught online at the end of the semester. Online study groups will be formed (as they were in January) and students will be informed which study group to join for classes.

  3. All online classes will be recorded and saved in the electronic timetable.

  4. Elective courses – there may be modifications in course content , teachers will inform registered students.

  5. It is possible to unregister your non-mandatory courses at any time during the semester.

  6. Please make sure that you report COVID positivity or the fact that you have been put into quarantaine to the Study division.

  7. Minor changes have been made to the electronic schedule so that students will be able to switch between online and on site teaching – please check your schedule.

  8. It is possible to use the A building for studying between 07,30-18,00 on workdays. Outside this interval it is possible only with a written permission signed by the Vice-Dean for Undergarduate Education and Studnet Affairs or by a head of department. At all times surgical facemasks or FFP2 filters have to be worn.

If there are any questions, please contact me by email

I hope that the situation is going ti improve with increasing vaccination rate, I wish you all the best for your summer semester studies.

David Marx

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Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

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Czech Republic

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