• News


Office hours of Study Division

Study Division office hours are adjusted as follows during the period of 1. 7. - 26. 8. 2024: Wednesday 8AM - 12PM

28 June 2024

CESNET offers several services to students more efficient work

CESNET offers students several services directly for their more efficient work and mutual communication and cooperation. It's about eduroam, Internet connection, transmission, processing,storage and data security, services for collaborationbetween users and teams. Services are backed up, with no download speedlimit and ad free.

10 August 2023

Individual or group visits to all applicants

Third Faculty of Medicine offers individual or group visits of the Faculty building, lecture rooms etc. including personal contact with the Vice-Dean for Undergraduate Education and Student Affairs and his team. This can be arranged by contacting Ms. Miriam Krizova at miriam.krizova@lf3.cuni.cz or by phone +420 267102206. Another option is arranging a Skype video call with the Faculty represnetatives - again scheduled via Ms. Miriam Krizova.

26 March 2015


Third Faculty of Medicine

Charles University

Ruská 87, 100 00 Prague 10

Czech Republic

Phone.: +420 267 102 111

Data Box ID: piyj9b4

ID No.: 00216208, VAT No.: CZ00216208

How to reach us

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