Referát pro zahraniční a vnější vztahy - Aktuality


7. září 2023

Virtual Study Abroad Program - Universität Hamburg

Vážená studentko, vážený studente,

předáváme Vám nabídku online vzdělávání od naší partnerské Universität Hamburg na ZS 2023/2024. Všechny kurzy jsou zdarma. Deadline je 18. 9. 2023.


Přihláška - student sám zasílá na adresu

Za Referát pro zahraniční a vnější vztahy

M. Bendová

Dear partners,


Warm greetings from Hamburg!

In the upcoming winter semester, we continue our virtual course program for students from partner universities.

We are glad to offer your students 6 virtual courses – 2 topical and 4 German and English language courses – starting in the beginning of October. The courses are free of charge for your students and are not counted towards the balance of our regular student exchange.In the appendix you will find our course list for the winter semester 2023/24. Students can get a transcript for the courses (between 3 and 6 ECTS/course).


The application deadline is September 18Th.


The students who want to take part in the program can fill out the application form attached and send it directly to me. Please note that the courses take place at German local time.  


We need proof of language proficiency for the required level. If the interested students do not have such proof, they can also take an online test (German:  English: or take a short test with one of our lecturers. If this is the case, the students can just simply contact me via Mail.


Please feel free to contact me in case of questions.


Many thanks, and kind regards,

Annika Johannsen


Annika Johannsen

Universität Hamburg

Abteilung 5 – Internationales / Department 5 – International Affairs

Referat 52 – Internationaler Studierendenservice und Mobilität / Section 5 – International Student Services and Mobility

Koordination Certificate of Intercultural Competence (CIC), Programm eMobi@Dg², Auslandsbotschafter/innen-Programm

Lz/Staff code: 52.25

Mittelweg 177

20148 Hamburg

Raum/Room: S1015

+49 151 5722 8894 (Telefon)

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