Center of Scientific Information 3. FM CU consists of a main faculty library and 50 sectional libraries in departments. The library subjects are foremost medicine and related biomedical disciplines, nursing and health prevention. Composition of the funds: monographs, textbooks, journals, videocassettes, diploma work, special documents, subscribed e-books, e- journals - on-line full-text acces and databases.
You can find the library and study room on the ground floor of the faculty at the end of the left wing. Your student card will provide you with access into the borrowing area and into the study room. However, you are not allowed to transport food or drink or bags into this area.
The valid Rules for Borrowing Information Materials (according to the Library Act of 2001 and to the Dean´s Directive No.1/2010) are given to every student in a printed form upon enrolment.
tel. +420-267 102 103, e-mail:
Research: Lenka Peroutková, Oldřiška Cidlinská
Opening Hours
Library opening hours :
Today, Ferbuary 2nd, the library will be open only till 4 PM for technical reasons. |
Before borrowing new study material for the coming academic year, the students are obliged to:
Return all study material undamaged, and meet all solicited claims;
Present a credit book with a corroboration of regular enrollment for the coming academic year;
Present a bar-code ID card of the Charles University for a checkout;
Register for or extend the users´ rights.
In the study room in Library, we installed a computer and scanner for the A4 format as a new service of the library. It is for all users-meaning students and employees alike:
Opportunity of a freely accessible PC station with a self-serving construction of digitalized tests from printed materials.
The scanner is equipped with a dia-adapter that allows scanning transparent copies like transparency film or negative films.
OCR opportunity (transmission of scanning text into an edited format)
parameters of the scanner: hardware resolution 4800x9600dpi, bite depth 48bits,
access to the internet and E-Resources
Your data please saved to only DISC D:.
Scanner instructions are accessible directly from the desktop in PDF format. We recommend you use help that is detailed and localized for the programs.
Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine
Center of Scientific Information
Ruská 87
100 00 Prague 10, Czech Republic
+420 267 102 103 (library),
+420 267 102 178 (secretary)
Fax: +420 267 102 519, +420 267 102 552