Summer library opening hours
From July 8 till September 20
9–12, 13-15
9–12, 13-15
9–12, 13-15
9–12, 13-15
Do you want to return the books, but the library is closed?
You can return books via bibliobox (in the locker number 7).
About a new library platform
After the summer holidays, you can look forward to a new look of discovery service UKAŽ. In addition to searching for printed and electronic resources from Charles University’s library collections, the new UKAŽ will provide users with direct access to their accounts - everything will be newly available in one place, under one account, with a single online registration to all CU libraries.
The environment for librarians will change as well – ALMA, a modern library platform. From the coming academic year, Charles University will be the first one in the Czech Republic to provide library services in the same system as Harvard, Leuven, Vienna and other foreign universities.