English language exams for postgraduate students ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** If you plan to pass the English exam this academic year, you must ask your Dean's Office C Vlčková, to enter your name in SIS. Furthermore, exam dates can also be found in SIS, wher the possibility to register for said exam as well. Regularly updated information relating to the English exam is available in Moodle - course Student English Exam. https://dl3.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=183 [ URL "https://dl3.cuni.c view.php?id=183"] Moodle login details are just the same as for SIS. MUDr. Eva Lahodová eva.lahodova(zavinac)lf3.cuni.cz [ MAIL "eva.lahodova(zavinac)lf3.cuni.cz"]