Performance of the medical profession in the Czech Republic ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** In accordance with the provisions of Section 35 of Act No. 95/2004 Coll. Graduates of accr study programs carried out by universities in the Czech Republic in a language other than professionally qualified to perform the medical profession. In the territory of the Czech can practice their profession after verifying their ability to express themselves professi Czech language. Verification of knowledge of the Czech language takes place through an int Ministry of Health. The applicant will demonstrate the ability to express and communicate in the Czech language, in the form of reading a professional text in the Czech language, r the content of the read text, interviewing a fictitious patient and writing data in fictit documentation. The relevant application form is attached [ URL "3LFEN-599-version1- zadost_o_overeni_schopnosti_se_vyjadrovat_v_ceskem_jazyce_p35.doc"] . The candidate is inv for a specific date of the interview after receiving the application and all mandatory att