Department of Pneumology 3FM CU and UHB ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The Department of Pneumology of the Third Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and Un Bulovka provides outpatient and inpatient care for patients across the entire spectrum of The clinic is located in pavilion number 4. It is a teaching base for the field of pneumol Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. HeadDoc. MUDr. Norbert Pauk, Ph.D. +420 266 082 080 norbert.pauk(zavinac) [ MAIL "norbert.pauk(zavinac)"] norbert.pauk(zavinac) [ MAIL "norbert.pauk(zavinac)"] SecretaryPavlína Svobodová pavlina.svobodova(zavinac) [ MAIL "pavlina.svobodova(zavinac) "] +420 266 082 671 Further information about the clinic can be found on the Hospital Na Bulovce website http: kliniky-a-oddeleni/klinika-pneumologie/ [ URL "