Department of Plastic Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** Headprof. MUDr. Sukop Andrej, Ph.D. andrej.sukop(zavinac) [ MAIL "andrej.sukop(zavinac)"] +420 26716 3252 SecretaryMonika Tišlerová, Marie Volfová plastsec(zavinac) [ MAIL "plastsec(zavinac)"] +420 26716 3030 Department of Plastic Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV is the oldest and largest plastic surgery de Czech Republic. The clinic was founded by Prof. Burian, one of the founders of the field o in Europe, in the first half of the last century. Since its foundation, the clinic has mai position among plastic surgery departments in our country. The clinic provides a spectrum the entire range of the field of plastic surgery - from the treatment of congenital develo acute injuries of the hand and face, complex microsurgical reconstructions to aesthetic su We perform more than 8,000 surgical procedures annually. It is the only training facility for other plastic surgeons with the highest level of accr Czech Republic. Patients are cared for with the utmost care and pleasure by the largest te surgeons and nurses in the Czech Republic.