Science and Research ****************************************************************************************** * Relationship to the Body ****************************************************************************************** Research performed by Mgr. Miloš Mauer "Relationship to the Body". Spring 2009. *========================================================================================= * Commentary, Statistics *========================================================================================= Dear students, There is attached questionnaire measuring your relationship to your body. In this phase I questionnaire mainly for facilitation of discussion on LF3, if there will be enough time, developed in future and used for larger population. There is number of answers at each variant of each question, divided among man and women, foundings are emphasized by green colour. I don´t use percentages for you, because your sa small, 17 males, 13 females. Maximum points for questionnaire is 113, maximum points achieved was 108, minimum 41 (both students), average points are 84 for you, and 80 for czech students. However, we cannot ea you with czech students, for you are little bit different population sociologicaly and psy average number of achieved points is quite high in comparison to maximum points, so result It has showed up with czech students, that those who answered „yes“ to question 47 and tho „negative“ to question 54, had on the average less number of points achieved in comparison aswered precisely the other way round. This relation was more stronger with women, whose s larger than sample of men (70/34) There are emphasized some questions in the questionnaire, because of the interesting answe result is that many of you feel at least sometimes axhausted. Very interesting with your s are critical about their body sometimes even more than women. Theoretically, the more points you have, the better is you relationship to your body. I as good relationship to your body means better self-confidence, and cosequently better relati people, ability to be happy etc. If we perceive body as living organism, which is not mere the matter, or just opposite of the soul, but is somehaw intertwinned with the soul, it sh ethical understanding. Many ethical problems are caused by treatment of the body as a bunc matter, with which we can manipulate as much as we like. Results are little bit relative in that sense, that narcisstic people or people which don´ experience much problems in their lives, often have also more points, on the contrary peop or suffered big stress, physical or psychical, can score less. Every big stress affect sou relationship to the body (and to oneself). Qualitatively, there is difference between some more, but who hasn´t  good groud for that and first big stress wil put him down, and someb more, but who has came to that point through some life experiences, often somehaw with som suffering, his ground is than more stable. Theoretically I utilize approach of Biosynthesis and Bioenergetics, which is part of the s oriented psychotherapy“, more on [ URL ""] In case of question or commentary, write me: mauer(zavinac) [ MAIL "mauer(zavinac) *========================================================================================= * Questionnaire *========================================================================================= • Relationship to the Body: Questionnaire [ URL "3LFEN-281-version1- milos_relationship_to_the_body_questionnaire.doc"]