Eduroam - WiFi ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= *  WHAT IS EDUROAM *========================================================================================= The basic thought behind EDUROAM is to allow the students and academic employees to hook u (laptop, tablet, cell phone, PDA) to the network even at another academic institution (oth in CR, VFN etc.), without having to register or receive access information. Connecting to simply requires a username and password used at the home institution. It is based on the w on the basis of IEEE802.11 (Wi-Fi) technology. *========================================================================================= * THE POSSIBILITIES WITH EDUROAM *========================================================================================= EDUROAM offers our faculty a wider and qualitative Wi-Fi signal (at this time all areas of office including the foyer, lecture halls, study areas, area on the 6th floor and most of areas). Also (due to the used technology) an increase in data access of the network to a t maximal boundary of 300Mbit/s has been established. The system of first access to the home has been substantially simplified (see part „how to sign up“).  Another important advantag members of the academic community is the usage of the transparent network at other connect (currently hundrets localities in the CR and thousands of others in Europe, USA, Canada, A Asia - see [ URL ""] a ["] ). *========================================================================================= * HOW TO SIGN-UP *========================================================================================= The new user from the academic community of the 3.MF CU must complete only one condition f access to the EDUROAM network- to own a valid CU pass (see"] ) and have access to the CAS system (Central authentication ser [ URL ""] ). On the web p registration) it is necessary to set „ password for web access 802.1x“. This step will giv for access (in the form „number of individual“ and password that you have selecte individual“ can be found on the CU pass underneath your photograph). More detailed conditions for receiving a username and password along with a „step-by-step“ sheet from Your Computer can be found at [ URL "http://u UVTENG-20.html"] . *========================================================================================= * CONTACT *========================================================================================= Jaroslav Valdauf, phone: 267102253, room 535 If necessary, you can contact staff of Computer Service Center [ URL "http://"]